DIY Moss Globe Tutorial
In addition to having our line of handmade home decor, furniture and signs in two fantastic stores in the Kansas City area (Very Violet Boutique and Behind the Vintage Door), we frequently do pop-up Vintage & Handmade shows.
All our items have a signature look and we wanted to create something unique for our booth that would be a conversation piece. After brainstorming, we came up with a perfect solution - a Moss Globe. I had never seen one before and I knew it would be very unique.
I was able to find a used Globe from a friend. (It really wouldn't have mattered what kind of condition it was in, since I was going to cover it.) You'll also need the following items to complete this DIY project yourself. You can find them at various craft stores.
•Sheet of Moss
•Large Glue Gun & Glue
•Something to press the moss into the glue (we used a wooden spoon)
Cut slits in each long side of the sheet of moss about 2-3 inches apart. You will be wrapping a flat sheet across a round item. Having the ends cut allows you to wrap it more smoothly.
I did a rough measurement to assure the sheet of moss would fit around the globe.
I started gluing with the hot glue gun close to the cross bar that holds the globe. It's hard to get the sheet of moss under that cross bar, so it seemed like the best place to start gluing. I ran a line of glue from top to bottom and then pressed the moss onto the globe with the wooden spoon. Keep in mind the glue is very hot. Believe me, hot glue buuurrrnnnsss! Also, for the love, get a BIG hot glue gun. I can't even imagine trying to do this project with a tiny hot glue gun. Your fingers will thank you.
Keep moving all the way around the globe. I eventually had to prop the globe up on a candle to make it easy to work with.
Once I completed the circumference, I was ready to work on the top and bottom. This is where you'll see the benefits of cutting the length of the moss every few inches.
Start gluing down the sections one at a time. Some will overlap slightly, however, you don't want it to get too thick. You can cut corners and sections to get it to piece together like a puzzle. Glue the top and bottom. (If you're judicious with the moss, this project will only take you one sheet.)
For all the open spaces or thin sections, just use small pieces or even pinches of the moss that is left over.
Place some glue, put the extra sections right on top and press down with the wooden spoon.
And there you go. Your very own Moss Globe. I love the texture and variation it adds to the rest of the decor. It's going to look great in our booth for our shows, too. That is, if I can make myself share it with others. :)
By the way, the console is part of our handmade furniture collection. It's made from reclaimed wood. We also made the Beadboard box and the "nest" sign.
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Have a blessed day!