Light Wax vs Dark Wax - Can You Tell The Difference?

We just completed a charming dresser for a client this week. I thought this would be a good opportunity to show you the difference between a Light Antiquing Wax treatment and a Dark Antiquing Wax treatment.

I don't have a "Before" picture of the dresser. (I need to get better about doing that. I get too excited to start a piece and don't take the time. Ugh.) The dresser was a dark in color. Our client had already stripped and res-stained the top. She wanted us to paint it, distress it and do a dark wax treatment on the rest of the dresser.
Here's a picture showing two drawers that have already been painted and distressed. The top drawer has only a Light Antiquing Wax applied. The bottom drawer was done with Light Antiquing Wax and then Dark Antiquing Wax over the top of it. Can you see the difference? See how yummy the bottom drawer is? It has more warmth and character to it. Folks, it's all in the details.

It takes a little effort to accomplish this look, but it's definitely worth it. We'll do a video tutorials on this process at a later time, but I am including a list of all the products involved for this project.
If you're local to Kansas City, we buy all our Amy Howard One Step product at Very Violet Boutique in Lee's Summit. Tell Melissa we sent you. She's awesome!
•Amy Howard One Step "Linen" Paint
•Amy Howard One Step Light Antiquing Wax
•Amy Howard One Step Dark Antiquing Wax
•Amy Howard One Step Round Wax Brush
•2 inch Synthetic Paint Brush
•Lint Free Cotton rags
•100 Grit Sand Paper
•Hand Sander

By the way, we distress most all of our furniture with a Hand Sander and 100 Grit Sand Paper. It can be intimidating for some. It takes some patience and a good eye for detail. The whole goal is to make it appear as if it's chipped and distressed naturally. Look at that leg! It makes me smile.
Have you tried your hand at painting a piece of furniture? We'd love to see your finished pieces and projects you've started.
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Have a blessed day!